
About Us

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Alon Biran

He is the principal owner of TheAutom8Group. He has been involved in the custom integration, lighting, and shading field since 2004. In addition, Alon is a certified Nutrition Consultant (NL) and the author of the book ‘What Are You Doing to Your Body?’. Alon is currently studying to become a WELL Accredited Professional.

Milestones that we proudly accomplished & lead us forward.

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Company Started

Why Choose Us

Crafted by dreams, driven by innovation

At The Autom8 Group, we believe in enhancing your lifestyle through cutting-edge technology, blending comfort, convenience, and wellbeing into every design. Our Wellness by Design approach integrates innovative solutions that support both physical and mental health. With a commitment to personalized service and industry-leading expertise, we create spaces that nurture, inspire, and empower. Discover how our passion for technology-driven wellness can transform your home.

Our partners help us deliver dreams.

Let’s Autom8 Together

Your journey to a balanced, automated lifestyle starts here.

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